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"... arise From death, you numberless infinities of souls, and to your scattered bodies go..." -- John Donne

Riverworld / Television / Characters / Samuel Clemens

Samuel Clemens
Played by Cameron Daddo.  

historical character / appeared in novels

- grew up in Hannibal, Missouri
- worked as a printer, silver miner, soldier in Confederate army and riverboat pilot before writing full time
- late in life, his works became markedly bitter and pessimistic, no doubt a result of the deaths of his wife and two daughters
                             - unfinished work, "The Mysterious Stranger"

Novel Biography:
- co-founded the city of Parolando with King John Lackland after aiding in the assassination of his former partner, Erik Bloodaxe
- built a massive steel riverboat, the Not For Hire, which was subsequently stolen by King John.
- built a second riverboat, better than the first, and chased Lackland all the way to the mouth of the River, at Virolando
- searched for his wife for decades, only to find her in love with the historical Cyrano De Bergerac 
- visited by Ethical rebel, Loga, who guided him to massive iron deposits (an incredibly rare material on the River).  Clemens referred to him as "The Mysterious Stranger"



design and original materials (c) 2001  J. Hazlett Foreman